Be a healthcare hero

It’s UCare's turn to save the healthcare experience

Hone your health plan superpowers with Wellframe

Double UCare’s staff capacity with digital care management

In a world of episodic care and condition-specific apps, only Wellframe can support the whole person in a single solution. Our care management experience extends the reach of staff to deliver higher engagement with your high-risk members.

Own the UCare member experience with digital customer service

75% of health plan members said their insurance companies do not meet their standards–or even offer a service–for coordination of care. Wellframe empowers you to become a trusted advocate for all your members’ health needs, so you can improve member satisfaction, utilization, and customer brand loyalty.

Take a look at what UCare's members could be using to improve their health care experience and build brand loyalty

Digital adoption drives care management capacity and member engagement

See how to engage 2x more members and increase the percentage of successful phone calls by 91% with the Wellframe Digital Health management platform. Read the case study.

Read the case study

Frequently asked employer RFP questions—and responses that get you noticed

How are you positioning your technology and member experience offerings for an employer RFP? Here are some example responses to help you showcase your technology investments and stand out among competitors on an employer RFP.

Read more

What 1,000 members want from their health insurance plan

To give health plans a clearer picture of what members want, Wellframe commissioned a survey of more than 1,000 insured adults across the U.S. This report explains the findings.

Get the report

See how Excellus BlueCross BlueShield partners with Wellframe to give members the best possible service.

Hear how Wellframe helped the care management teams at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska increase productivity.

Get in touch with your Wellframe representative