Introducing blood glucose biometrics monitoring from Wellframe

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) includes several types of member-generated data such as symptoms, medications, treatment information, and biometrics. Regular insight into biometrics data, like blood glucose levels, can help health plans enable early interventions. Plus, when members can track this type of data, they can improve adherence and compliance as they take ownership of managing their condition. But if the remote patient monitoring solution creates yet another dashboard for staff, or requires yet another app for members, it will not succeed.

Blood glucose biometric monitoring capabilities

Enhance your digital care management experience with Wellframe’s expanded remote patient monitoring and biometric capabilities.

Glucometer device integration

  • Sync more than 50 devices right to the member app via bluetooth, OCR (optical character recognition), or Apple Health
  • Reduce manual errors
  • Create more member touchpoints
  • Generate accessible, actionable data for care teams
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • No additional member consent required

Data visualization enhancements

  • Spot trends and anomalies over time and in relation to meals
  • Automate detection and alerting for out of range readings
  • Easily download and share data with providers and caregivers

The Wellframe difference

  • Unify the member experience. Help members track biometrics, connect to their care manager, and manage their whole health, all from a single app.

  • Consolidate staff workflows. Arm staff with member education, biometric trends, and members’ health history, without giving them another dashboard to manage.

  • Differentiate your brand. Retain ownership of the member experience, as well as access to member-generated data.


Learn more about enhancing your digital care management solution by adding biometrics, plus find out about our launch period pricing incentives.